Folklore dancers know this: there is a ‘Paidushka’ – or is it perhaps called ‘Paidushko’? – in different countries with similar-sounding dance names, similar steps and melodies. On top of that, one (Bulgarian, Macedonian) pajduško melody appears in a rhythmically altered form (and under a ‘pseudonym’!) in a neighbouring country. How can we understand this? Let’s do a little research … Weiterlesen „The Pajduško-Family“
Schlagwort: rhythm
Mândrele: an interesting type of dance
Looking through our collections for Mândrele we discovered a surprising number of dances named ”Mindrele”, ”Mîndrele” or ”Mândrele” (1). Nevertheless they hardly appear in dance programmes in this country. Informations about these dances are very scarce, even the normally very productive US-American sources provide almost nothing on it. Weiterlesen „Mândrele: an interesting type of dance“