Folklore dancers know this: there is a ‘Paidushka’ – or is it perhaps called ‘Paidushko’? – in different countries with similar-sounding dance names, similar steps and melodies. On top of that, one (Bulgarian, Macedonian) pajduško melody appears in a rhythmically altered form (and under a ‘pseudonym’!) in a neighbouring country. How can we understand this? Let’s do a little research … Weiterlesen „The Pajduško-Family“
Schlagwort: Serbia
Ajde lepa Maro (eng.)
Folkdance folklore
By a discussion among members of the EEFC list (Eastern European Folklife Center), we became again aware of a pretty, simple dance from Serbia, which we first got to know around 1980. As so often in this time, it came to us via the USA, Weiterlesen „Ajde lepa Maro (eng.)“